Lines of Communication

The Madison Central School District is committed to listening to suggestions, answering questions and addressing concerns, complaints or issues in a timely and efficient manner. All issues should be handled as close to the source as possible by contacting the person responsible for the various areas of school operations. These individuals have the most detailed information about their area of responsibility and are most prepared to offer assistance.


For School Questions....
(Academic Performance, Classroom Behavior, etc.)

Step 1 - Classroom Teacher

Step 2 - Guidance/School Counselors (Elementary Counselor - Mrs. Jennifer Buckley; Middle/High School - Mr. Mike Lee)

Step 3 - Principals (Elementary - Mrs. LeeAnn Cucci; Middle/High - Mr. Larry Nichols)

Step 4 - Superintendent of Schools - Mr. Jason Mitchell


For Transportation Questions....
Step 1 - Transportation Supervisor - Mr. Jeff Pieters-Hayduke

Step 2 - Principals (Elementary - Mrs. LeeAnn Cucci; Middle/High - Mr. Larry Nichols)

Step 3 - Superintendent of Schools - Mr. Jason Mitchell


For Special Education Questions....
Step 1 - Special Education Teacher

Step 2 - Principals (Elementary - Mrs. LeeAnn Cucci; Middle/High - Mr. Larry Nichols)

Step 3 - Director Special Education - Ms. Brenda Jenkins

Step 4 - Superintendent of Schools - Mr. Jason Mitchell


For Medical Questions....
Step 1 - School Nurse - Lindsay Gallagher

Step 2 - Principals (Elementary - Mrs. LeeAnn Cucci; Middle/High - Mr. Larry Nichols)

Step 3 - Superintendent of Schools - Mr. Jason Mitchell


For Budget Questions....
Step 1 - District Treasurer - Mrs. Melanie Brouillette

Step 2 - Superintendent of Schools - Mr. Jason Mitchell


For Athletics Questions....
Step 1 - Coach or Physical Education Teacher

Step 2 - Athletic Director - Mr. Mike Lee

Step 3 - Middle/High Principal - Mr. Larry Nichols

Step 4 - Superintendent of Schools - Mr. Jason Mitchell