
Mike Lee, Athletic Director: or 315-893-1878


We offer students several opportunities to compete in interscholastic athletics, both on Madison teams and through an agreement with the Morrisville-Eaton school district. To participate, students must have an updated physical on file - please refer to the school-year wall calendar or contact the Health Office for deadlines.


Athletics schedules can be found here






At Madison
~Boys Soccer (Varsity and Modified)
~Girls Soccer (Varsity and Modified)
At Madison
~Boys Basketball (Varsity, Junior Varsity and Modified)
~Girls Basketball (Varsity, Junior Varsity and Modified)
~Varsity Cheerleading
At Madison
~Baseball (Varsity and Modified)
~Softball (Varsity and Modified)
~Varsity Golf
Combined with Morrisville-Eaton
~Football (Varsity and Modified)
~Field Hockey (Varsity and Modified)
Combined with Morrisville-Eaton
~Wrestling (Varsity and Modified)
~Girls Volleyball (Varsity and Junior Varsity)
Combined with Morrisville-Eaton
~Track and Field (Varsity and Modified)

**Please be advised that to participate in combined sports, a student must have a way to get to and from Morrisville for practices on combined teams.**

Registration Process

1. Students should complete the Sports Interest Form that is posted on the district home page before the start of each season. This informs the Athletic Director about student participation levels and allows him to reach out to students and families with details.


2. We are now using Arbiter Sports to streamline the process of clearing student to participate in our Athletics program. In order to participate, students and/or a parent/guardian must use THIS LINK to create an account with Arbiter Sports and complete the requirements, including uploading a current physical report.