Please contact the District Registrar at or (315) 893-1878, Ext. 1360, for assistance with these enrollment issues.


Under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, a child who is homeless may enroll in a district and receive educational services regardless of whether or not that child is a resident of that district. District Policy on EDUCATION OF HOMELESS CHILDREN.


Foster Care

When a student is placed in foster care, the student can continue to attend their original school until a determination is made that attending a different school is in the best interest of the student. This procedure applies to foster care placement within and outside the original school district. The District's Foster Care Point of Contact will work with the Department of Social Services to ensure students receive appropriate educational services. District Policy on EDUCATIONAL STABILITY FOR STUDENTS IN FOSTER CARE.


Non-Resident Students

 The Board of Education will consider acceptance of non-resident students where circumstances permit and subject to annual review. District Policy on NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS.

Non-Resident Student Application



Parents who wish to provide home instruction for a student of compulsory school attendance age shall annually provide written notice to the Superintendent of their intention by July 1st of each school year and comply with attendance, reporting, assessment and other requirements. District Policy on HOME INSTRUCTION.