Staff Center

Madison Central School 7303 State Rt. 20 Madison, NY 13402 (315) 893-1878
Draft Characteristics of Highly Effective Schools
Next Generation Learning Standards Crosswalk
Social Studies Resource Toolkit: K-4
Social Studies Resource Toolkit: 5-8
NYS Science Learning Standards
These standards are based on two nationally respected guiding documents, feedback from teachers, school and district administrators, and on survey data that indicated the need to adapt specific portions of the standards to reflect New York’s mission and vision for P-12 science education.
Achieve the Core
High quality resources for educators to implement the Common Core Learning Standards
Teaching Channel Videos
Questions about how the Common Core looks in a classroom? Watch over a 100 videos created by teachers for teachers.
Engage your students in online literacy learning with these interactive tools that help them accomplish a variety of goals—from organizing their thoughts to learning about language—all while having fun.
Annotated 3-8 ELA and Mathematics State Test Questions
There are questions available in every grade (3-8) for both ELA and Mathematics. These questions have been annotated to display the kinds of thinking students are required to do in the new Common Core Tests.